Dr Carlos Wesley
1050 Fifth Avenue * New York, NY 10028 * 844-745-6362
30th Sep


Allure Discusses Eyebrow Transplanting with Dr. Wesley

It’s not just for the scalp! While the stigma of surgical hair restoration continues to be lifted as the results produced by top-ranked practices are virtually identical to what would be produced by nature, awareness of the various areas that may benefit from more healthy hair is also increasing.

Allure helps shed light on the growing popularity of eyebrow transplantation. Yes. This lesser-known method of improving the healthy appearance of eyebrows works!

Previously, Allure has provided information on the basics of the surgical procedure in the article entitled, “How Getting a Hair Transplant Actually Works

By capturing healthy hair from the region on the scalp in which the hair is permanent and using that to improve the fullness of hair in an area that may be thinning, this procedure can provide long-lasting relief to countless women!

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