An innovative surgical method that enables hair follicle harvesting to be performed with two significant potential advantages (improved graft survival and no evidence of scarring in the donor area from which the hair is harvested) was featured on the world’s longest-running talk show dedicated to hair loss.
“The Bald Truth” a popular social network and talk show dedicated to candid disclosure of new trends in the treatment of hair loss was founded by Spencer Kobren over 15 years ago. It has since developed a loyal and passionate following worldwide largely as a result of Kobren’s diligent scrutiny for each new innovation, both medical and surgical. After an in-depth discussion with Dr. Wesley in which the details of and clinical findings from use of this innovative surgical approach to hair restoration were shared, Kobren shared his thoughts with the worldwide community.
While the full-segment dedicated to this topic can be heard and/or seen from the archives of The Bald Truth, an excerpt of the episode can be directly viewed here.