Dr Carlos Wesley
1050 Fifth Avenue * New York, NY 10028 * 844-745-6362
21st jul


Dr. Wesley Authors ‘Hair Transplantation’ Chapter in Premier Plastic Surgery Reference

GrabbSmithCoverDr. Carlos K. Wesley, served as the primary author on Hair Transplantation in the 7th Edition of the Grabb and Smith’s Plastic Surgery Textbook along with co-authors Drs. Walter & Robin Unger. The release date has been announced: September 9, 2013.

This textbook enjoys a rich history in Plastic Surgery and is the only remaining single-volume text that attempts to cover the entire field in a comprehensive manner. Despite the availability of competing content on the internet, this text has long been considered the premier reference for plastic surgery residents and practitioners.

Dr. Wesley approached it with the following in mind: What does a plastic surgery resident or young plastic surgeon need to know about hair restoration in order to:

  • take a written exam;
  • appreciate the commitment that good hair restoration requires;
  • be able to refer patients appropriately and;
  • be generally well-educated?

The comprehensive hair transplantation chapter covers all aspects of the procedure: preoperative planning, anesthesia, donor harvest and closure, recipient site planning and execution, eyebrow transplantation, donor scar revisions, camouflaging scars from facelifts and brow lifts, correction of “pluggy” transplants, and the future of innovations in surgical hair restoration.

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