Dr Carlos Wesley
1050 Fifth Avenue * New York, NY 10028 * 844-745-6362
25th mar


Hair Cloning Available to Dr. Wesley’s Patients

Long considered “The Holy Grail” of hair restoration, hair cell therapy (or hair cloning), is now one big step closer to patients of Dr. Wesley. Selected as a North American partner to the United Kingdom-based company, Hair Clone, Carlos K. Wesley, M.D. is now offering patients who wish to make the most of their healthy hair reserve the opportunity to not only “bank” their most stable hair follicles, but also expand the stem-cell population of their own hair.

Patients may either choose to incorporate this brief 30-minute harvesting experience as a stand-alone in-office procedure or as part of a more comprehensive FUE or FUT procedure. It is even common now for patients to include this forward-looking 100 – 120 follicle hair cloning harvest as part of their non-surgical PRP or Exosome session.

Once patients have had their own dermal papilla cells (the stem cell-containing portion of the hair follicle bulb) successfully expanded by the Hair Clone laboratory, they receive confirmation and a certificate of banking. Once the final nuances of hair cloning are perfected, this beside-to-bench process can return to the bedside and patients may benefit from their original healthy hair follicles returning to their scalp as thousands more of their own.

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