Carlos K. Wesley, MD was recently honored in the category of Health and Wellness with the Ten Tier Diamond Award: a one-of-a-kind independent luxury award company that evaluates by acknowledging ten unique tiers to measure excellence. Divorced from the likes of tire companies, accounting firms, and business publishers. The assessment encourages deep introspection in defining, verifying, and rewarding excellence. Highlighting details normally overlooked by many that challenges the current 5-Star rating paradigm. A model that has become outdated and overplayed. The Ten Tier model proposes the first ever multi-tiered rating system to revivify the way excellence is measured and awarded.
The philosophy of the agency is to reward excellence by recognizing all dimensions of business from different industries. Ranging from healthcare to hospitality. Those able to meet their standards are granted membership into a special group called, The Metropolitan Academy of Worldwide Excellence. An exclusive membership worthy of the name reserved only for those awarded.
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