Sportscaster Joe Buck is making headlines today as reports of his “hair plug addiction” are taking the Internet by storm.
As revealed in his upcoming memoir, “Lucky Bastard: My Life, My Dad, And The Things I’m Not Allowed To Say On TV,” Buck recalls having an overwhelming fear of losing his hair, one that led him to undergo his first hair transplant at 24. According toSports Illustrated (who previewed the book), he then had a vocal chord paralyzed due to complications during his eighth procedure.
While this is an incredibly scary report, New York hair restoration specialist Carlos K. Wesley, MD, says it is an exceedingly rare occurrence in hair restoration surgery. “It’s rare for two reasons. First, hair restoration surgery does not need to be performed under general anesthesia that requires intubation [the placement of a flexible tube into the trachea to sustain an open airway]. Secondly, even if a practice does use general anesthesia, vocal cord paralysis is a rare combination following tracheal intubation.”
Read here for the entire article.
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