Dr Carlos Wesley
1050 Fifth Avenue * New York, NY 10028 * 844-745-6362
29th Jan


United States Patent Office Grants Dr. Wesley Additional Patent

With a focus on leading the advancement of surgical hair restoration worldwide, Dr. Wesley has been awarded a patent by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). This novel concept relates to hair restoration for both men and women and was issued on January 9, 2018 under U.S. Patent No. 9,861,386.

This was not the first patent pursued by Dr. Wesley and granted by the USPTO. In his pursuit of cutting-edge methods of patient care has been rewarded a number of patents in both the United States and abroad related to his medical specialty. This particular patent presents a novel approach to hair follicle harvesting in which target follicles (which can be used for subsequent transplantation) can be obtained using a beneath-the-skin-surface approach. The benefit of this approach is that the stem cell-containing portion of the hair follicle can be captured without puncturing the overlying skin or scalp surface. This would, in turn, preserve the structural integrity of the overlying skin and result in a truly scarless surgical approach.

Dr. Wesley continues his pursuit of this novel approach to hair restoration surgery.


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